Fire Sign Ceramics9129.jpeg

About Me

Fire Sign Stoneware is a passion project of mine. I am a born and
raised socal native. I have an affinity for all things natural,
handmade and aesthetically beautiful. I love the idea of turning basic household items into something more. Building these pieces by hand, so
that everything in your home is a little piece of art. I am inspired
by west coast scenery and spirituality. I am also very influenced by my Mexican and Japanese heritage and pay homage to both cultures in my pieces. Being a Sagittarius, I have to
constantly keep myself active with my hands and my imagination. For
me, pottery is my form of art and therapy. It eases my mind and
brings me so much joy. I am drawn to neutral colors and earth tones.
All my pieces are practical, useful and each one of a kind. No two are
identical but they all flow and have a cohesive style. I hope you find
inspiration in my pieces the way I did making them.